First Gen Newsletter April 2023
April 2023

Celebrate Your Graduation

Saturday, April 22, 2023
11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m
Texas State University
We are celebrating first-generation graduates! Join us for a short ceremony where we will present the First-Gen Proud stoles to the students graduating in May 2023. There will be opportunities for photos and First-Gen Proud Alumni shirts will be sold following the ceremony.
We look forward to seeing you there!
More information Here
Register to Attend Here
Combating Imposter Synrome as a First Gen Student

April 21, 2023
Location: Alkek 441
12:30 - 1:30 PM
The purpose of this workshop is to define and combat imposter syndrome by cultivating first-generation students’ ability to recognize the assets that come with the identity. Historically, first-gen students doubt their skills, abilities, and worthiness, all ways that the imposter phenomenon manifests in their lives. This is typically due to being exposed to new spaces, roles, or environments. The goal of this workshop is to equip first-generation students with tools to define and recognize imposter syndrome, encourage a change from a deficient to an asset-based view of their abilities, and cultivate joy in the first-generation identity.
Stelos Alliance Scholarship
Due April 15, 2023
The Stelos Alliance Leadership Endowed Scholarship is awarded to currently enrolled Junior or Senior students demonstrating a high quality of leadership and substantial amount of service to the university.
Stelos Alliance Leadership Endowed Scholarship
First Gen Essay Contest
Due: April 12, 2023
The English department is inviting all first-generation students to submit short personal essay that respond to the following prompt: What does First Gen Proud mean to you? What makes you proud to be a first-generation college student? What strengths do you have as a first-gen student and how have your experiences supported your academic career?
Purchase Your Regalia
Make sure to purchase your regalia (cap and gown) one month prior to commencement.
Regalia Website Information
Finals Dates
May 3-10, 2023
Final Exam Schedule Spring 2023
Commencement Dates
May 11-13, 2023
Commencement Schedule Spring 2023
Commencement Day of Instructions
Day of Instructions Information
Tuition Rebate & Hardship Rebate
Students have the opportunity to receive up to a $1,000 tuition rebate upon graduation from Texas State
Rebate Information
Campus Employment
Check out possible job opportunities!
On-Campus Student Employment
Alkek Study Rooms
Looking for group or private rooms to study for finals? Check out Alkek Library to openings on study rooms
Alkek Study Room Information
We would love to hear about your experiences as a first-generation student. this is a great way to give advise to other first gen students on campus.
Share Your Story Here