Laptop Rental Form

Are you in need of a laptop for the upcoming school semester? First Gen Initiatives has a small amount of laptops available to first-gen students in need.  Laptop rentals are on a first come, first serve basis.

Students in need of a short-term laptop rental option (same day return, or 28-day rental) should explore options offered through Alkek Library.


Spring 2025 Rental Dates:

Rentals Begin: 1/13/2025

Rentals Due: 5/9/2025

Are you a first generation student currently enrolled at Texas State University? *
Students whose parent(s) or primary guardian(s) did not earn a 4-year degree in the United States.
First and last name.
Example: A01234567

Please briefly share the reason(s) you are seeking our laptop rental service.
I understand and acknowledge that failure to return rental property can result in a hold placed on your account that may prevent class registration or transcript release. *
I understand and acknowledge that losing or damaging the loaned property will result in a fine to repair or replace the damaged items. *
2/28 - 3:30pm; 3/3 - 2pm; or 3/4 - 10:30am